Sunday, February 6, 2011

Etsy Forums Are Gone Join a Team to Get Your Answers

Hello everyone, and Welcome to PassnItOn! Glad to see you here, and hope you enjoy your visit:)

Well now, just came from etsy forums again. Looks like it started with the Forums, but I thought it was suppose to be mid February that they started with the forums? Anyway, a lot of the forums are being locked. You can view what was said, look for an old post, but no more comments can be made. 

So, that then brings up the issues of the Teams that are replacing the forums. First of all, you have to join Teams. You have to apply for them, and be approved for them before you can participate with them. If you have pictures that are not good, or acceptable, a Team Captain can deny you joining the Team. Then, if you go forward, correct what was not acceptable before trying to join a Team, you will then have to contact the Captain to ask them for reapplying. Also, if the Team requests for the Captain to accept the member is another way to gain access I guess. 

Wow! Was much simplier when you could go to the forums, and look for the issue you were needing help with. A place where you could openly share, and promote your stores, and if you had a glitch or a bug, you could inquire right away about it. But, now if you have any issues you cannot just openly ask about it. You will have to go through the process of joining a team. But, if you are denied a membership to a Team....where do you go then to have your questions answered? Are they going to start a Team for Bugs and Glitches? If so, what if you were denied a membership to that? Then what?

Sorry, but this sounds very complicating, and very unethical too. This is not a very professional business way to handle a large group of people who make the selling venue what it is. Sorry, but this is really upsetting to hear this, and I am trying to understand it as many other members of Etsy are also trying to adapt, and having problems with it. 

So, what do you think? Do you think the Forums being removed was a good thing? Do you feel that having Teams for the forums was the right move? How comfortable are you with selling at Etsy with all the changes happening? Please, feel free to respond to these things everyone. Have to have some where to vent a bit:)

Tomorrow Super Bowl Sunday! Hope ya'll have a great day with family, friends, or watching yourself. Enjoy the day, best of luck to all, and Be Safe!

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