Saturday, September 1, 2012

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone in Blogland

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone!!

Welcome to Second Time Treasures all! Glad to have you dropping in. As you can see I have been Missing In Action again, and really did not plan it being this way. I guess I got to many skillets on the fire here, and have been working on narrow things down a bit. Spending a lot of time with my main blog over at LilacsNDreams, and with one of my pages there too LilacsNDreams Shoppe. Stop by to visit there when you get a chance. 

Also, I have another blog that feels more comfortable to be, and is actually more like me, and who I am too. I would like to introduce that blog to you as well Thrifty Shop Girl. I would be happy to see you hop on over to that blog, and join me there. Nothing fancy at that one, just down to earth, sharing time about my adventures and finds with thrifting, yard sales, and that sort of thing. Still a working progress, but it is coming along nicely too. So, give it a visit when you can. 

As for this blog? Not sure what I want to do with it yet. My domain I need to check with GoDaddy to see how much more time is left with it as I am considering letting it go. I changed my second shop at ebay to ThriftyShoppeGirl as well. To me it is kind of catchy, but it is sooo much more me, what I do, what I enjoy doing whether business, or just for Me too:)

I hope ya'll have a super fun Labor Day Weekend!:) Visit the other blogs when you can, and would be sooo happy to see you too! Make sure to say Hi so that I can also come visit with you as well. Thanks again for visiting Me, and hope to see you at the other blogs everyone!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Welcome to Second Time Treasures Blog Blogger Blogspot

Welcome to Second Time Treasures Everyone! Great to have you back here, and visiting today. 

Wow! What a weekend! I had a great schedule of how I was working things out for all my blogs, doing listings for my reselling that I do, taking pictures, doing research, and etc. Then...boom! I got hit with the bad luck thing again. Why Me? Does it quit? When can I see the light of day? know what I mean:)

The computer has always done this thing where it shuts down, no signal found, and sometimes will restart, and other times you have to start it. Computer always comes back on, and business as usual...unless the temperature is warm on it of course. So, when it went down nothing different was thought of it. Turned it back on, and WOW! Different desktop pic showing, icons were different, finding files and transferring them to another place, and just all that kind of stuff. Along the bottom bar I get pop ups for when computer starts, and to me they looked normal.

After doing work, restart computer, and boom! Back to the beginning again. Files gone I was moving, desktop not saving, and just everything I did was not saving on the computer. One of them there pop ups that comes on as computer is coming on, and signing in showed something about Profile Not Found. So, I watched closer, made note of it, and then went into to research it a bit. Yepper! There was others who had this happen....a corrupted file! So, I pretty much did all that was instructed except messing with the registry keys...that makes me nervous. I am no computer tech, and do things as I have learned them. 

Finally, I seem to be getting some where that I could at least save the files to folders organized in my Picture folder. Desktop picture was staying as it should. The browser of choice was finally staying set without asking me everytime it started up which browser to use, etc. Nothing perfect, still have a lil kink in it here, and there. Looked through the registry keys for the one suggested....not there. I cannot find some of the missing files that I know are in the hard drive, and therefore some things I have to start over with again...urgh!

I have gone into computer, put the sleep mode as never, set computer as never to shut off unless I do it, or of course something bad is coming in.....that I cannot get to work for me as it keeps reverting back to the other settings. So, some where I do not have full access as the new administrator I have assigned to this computer....the other old ones have been deleted. But, I am up and running, and now to play a lil bit of catch me up with things. 

It's Wednesday....HAPPY HUMP DAY TO ALL!! Hope ya'll are doing well this week, enjoying the weather, and have been able to do some thrifting, or painting, or some repurposing and crafting too. I'm getting there, but the computer comes first right now:) Know what I mean?:)

Thanks for sharing your time with Second Time Treasures! Come back to visit again soon. 


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vintage Vegetable Bowl Fine Bona China Candle Holder Set and Bathroom Asseccories

Fabulous Signature Housewares Tablerock Serving Bowl is a neat found that is being offered at Ecrater. Check it out, and imagine some of the possibilities with this piece! Many uses, reuse, repurpose, upcycle, home decor, bathroom, kitchen counter organizer, and the list goes on. Stop to see, and check it out!

Adorable set for the bathroom! Matching Soap Dish and Tumbler or Toothbrush Holder is in great condition, looks like new, and what a deal! Visit Ecrater for more pictures, and details of this set.

This adorable vintage candle holder Crown Staffordshire Bone China from England comes as a set, has great color, great embossed design on neck of holders, such a white background, and such a beautiful clean shine too! See this set offered at Ecrater, and maybe you will want to take it home for you too!:)

These are some wonderful finds that are being offered with this store at Ecrater. If you have not heard of them it is an alternative site to Ebay that has been around for a while. No auctions, stright buys, Payment options vary there, but I do know that Paypal is used, and with these items you could also use Google checkout as well. I see pieces like these being offered, and I see possibilities, and also in my mind placements of where they can fit in the home too. Lovely yummy colors, and of course a lil bit of something that I like too...if you haven't figured it out already..LOL:) I once told someone...I am not a hoarder of treasures, but I sure am a keeper of things found!

Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend, and thanks so much for sharing your time at Second Time Treasures. It's been a blast, and hope to see you again soon! Take care thrifty friends, enjoy junking, have a creative weekend, and....enjoy all you do!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day and Weekend to Blog Bloggers and Blogland

Happy Memorial Day and Weekend to Blog Bloggers and Blogland!

Hello, and thanks for stopping by Second Time Treasures! Happy to see you visiting with Me today. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far, and that it finishes off with a wonderful Memorial Day Monday! Did ya'll have big plans? Not here. Have pretty much been home by myself. Grabbed the paint tray, another bucket of paint, paint brush and roller, and went upstairs to work on some more painting in the bedrooms. I am determined to get this done yet! 

Anyway, while out and about enjoying your time, and being with family and friends. Please, try to remember those men and women who are gone, but served our country to give us the freedoms we have today. Remember them, and the families and friends that they have left behind to be proud of them, and what they did. 

I wish you all well, and hope the weekend is being good to you. Thanks so much for sharing your time with Second Time Treasures this evening. Ya'll take care, and see you again soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome to Second Time Treasures Bloggers and Blogland

Hello, and Welcome to Second Time Treasures Bloggers, and those in Blogland! Glad to see you stopping by, and happy you landed here.

Well, not too much to really report to anyone at this time. Just Life, working around home to complete remodeling projects, some days no contractors, and some days contractors are in and out, and here all day. Well, the were here today so I could not work on painting walls. So, I was outside mowing. Windy, windy, and was it windy out too! But, got 1/2 the property done which is good for me. Might rain tomorrow....if it does I can work on painting walls. IF it would not rain I could maybe do some more mowing again too. Or, who knows, if I have the energy a lil bit of both:)

Holiday weekend almost here. Anyone have any big plans? I don't. Hubby cannot be home, son will be gone all weekend, sister is going camping, and other sister is doing her own thing some where else too. So, maybe I will be able to get some things done around here....Hmmm......Work on painting, maybe finish a couple of homemade projects here, and relaxing too! Could be promising, huh? LOL:) I know....

Well, this is hoping everyone is having a fabulous Tuesday, and a wonderful evening! Ya'll take care, and come back again soon. See Ya!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Second Time Treasures Welcomes Blogs, Bloggers, and Blogland

Second Time Treasures Welcomes Blogs, Bloggers, and Blogland.

Hi, and Welcome to Second Time Treasures! Happy to see you back, and happy you stopped while passing through also. I know, I shouldn't have to say it again....and again....I am so very very sorry everyone for not checking in here sooner. I tell ya, Life has gotten a hold of me lately, and I have had to prioritize just a bit. Spending time with my stores, making a sale here and there, shipping, taking son to & from work everyday, and.....worst of all was on this past Monday!

Yeah, I would have never guessed it to happen, but it did, and I am heart broken over it too. I have a blog that pretty much directs to my online sales. I have had the blog since 2009, and the past year have focused my attention and energy on it. Reading things to do, researching the good and bad of things to do, applying keywords - links - and doing a little bit of SEO with it too. Then, I sat done and looked at things that I should cover for topics, and not cover. Found out there is no right, or wrong to yourself, and do with it as you wish for whatever your purpose may be. 

So, I have gotten domains from GoDaddy, and directed those to my blogs too. On Monday I checked emails, checked accounts, and then went to sign into my main business blog. Message...Blog deleted, Blog disabled, Blog not found were the 3 different messages I would get at different times. No reason for this, no excuses, and most of all...not definite way to find out about it either. I have gone to the help sections, left messages, and that usually is not very successful. Blogger is sooo Facebook that doing the one on one thing just doesn't happen. At some point I was told it would be submitted for review for reinstatement. Could take up to 7 business days. Yikes! That won't work!

So, after all of that I spent all day on Monday into Monday night making a new blog, some new blog pages, getting my links put into order, banners, pictures, avatars, clocks, stat counters, organizing it, and doing all I could. Then, I went off to different places to announce the new blog addy I had too. Here it is Thursday, still not fully done with my Blog to where I want it, but it can be viewed. People are slowly coming to it, slowly getting some followers again, and etc. Then...trying to find a way that I could find/retrieve some of the blog posts I had done with it that brought me some attention too. 

All I can say is what a work out it has been! I would never wish this upon anyone. I would not have been so heart broken if I had not put so much time, and my heart into it. Also, I like my blog because it is like a website to me. It's free...except for the domains I direct to it, I have pages, I share things, share information, shares instructions, ideas, and just whatever I think would be of interest to my followers. 

Well, looks like I have written a book here now, huh? Sorry about that everyone. I get carried away sometimes. I enjoy blogging, and until Monday had a schedule worked out that I could spread my time with all of them....I have been slightly delayed. 

Thanks for being patient with me everyone. I so appreciate it! Thanks for visiting with Second Time Treasures. Take care, and see you again soon!:)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Happy Easter Bloggers and Everyone Visiting

Happy Happy Easter to all Bloggers, and Everyone Visiting with Second Time Treasures today! Glad to have you all here. This winter has been so different, really nice, and where is the time going already? Already mowing yards, having rain, some places have had tornadoes, and things are just a bit different this year, don't you think?

This little note is wishing all of you a splendid holiday weekend. Hope you are able to be some where, be with someone, share with others, and enjoy this weekend, and special day too. Thanks for stopping by Second Time Treasures everyone....I appreciate it. As soon as I get things listed with this name at Ebay I will notify you all here as well so that you can have a look too. 

Take care, enjoy the weekend, be safe, have fun, and . . . . . . . . . . 
                                                        HAPPY EASTER ! !

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Second Time Treasures Says Happy Valentines Day

Second Time Treasures Says Happy Valentines Sweetheart Day to you! Whether it is a special lunch, special supper, night on the town, staying home with a candle light supper, and all of that fun stuff....please have fun, be safe, and enjoy yourselves. Thanks for stopping by Second Time Treasures, and see you again soon. 
                                              HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Google Friend Closing Linky Followers is New

Google Friend Connect Closing Linky Followers is New. 

Hello, and Welcome to Second Time Treasures everyone! Glad to have you here. This posting will be short as it is becoming late night, but I wanted to get this noted. Earlier tonight an email had been received about Google Friend Connect will be closing. I guess it is another program like Picnik that Google will be closing with their list they have. Due to this factor for anyone listed in the Google Friend Connect will be sad. So, I was given the option to sign up with Linky Followers. I figured it is free, and I see other blogs using this as well, so why not give it a try, right? In the right hand column you will see not far down, under Google Friend Connect, that I have added this Linky Followers Box. If you will be so kind as to sign in, and follow with it I would appreciate it. IF for some reason Google does not close the Friend Connect Box I will remove all the extras I have showing right now. But, till then, I would prefer to be safe preparing for this then to be sorry later on. 

Hey, thanks for visiting with me, and I appreciate it. Always welcome to visit Second Time Treasures, and stop by anytime. Make sure to say Hi so that I know to come visit with you as well. Thanks again everyone. Take care, and have a super week into the weekend! Later..........

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Picnik Needs to Stay Open Petition Its Stay Please

 Picnik Needs to Stay Open Petition Its Stay Please!

Welcome to Second Time Treasures everyone, and glad to see you all here. Have you heard about Picnik? Do you use Picnik? It is a photo editing program that has been free, and also a small premium fee for more added features. Very easy to use, no hassles, uncomplicated, no hard to read and understand software to deal with, and I cannot say enough good about this place. I have sooo enjoyed using them, and then came the news of Google taking them over. Things went well, nothing bad was coming of it till now with this announcement. When you can please visit this site, and sign a petition to stop this madness. The alternative being given to us to use is with Google+. I enjoy Google+ myself, but do not like it for the photo editing I have with Picnik. Doing things this way feels as though Google is now really pushing the Google Plus at us. Sad:(

So, stop on by, give it a read, and better yet....sign a petition to protest this change that Google is once again enforcing....that does NOT need to be done! I thank you all for visiting, and taking the time with this announcement. Take care, and have a super weekend everyone!

Official Announcement: Picnik is closing 


Saturday, January 14, 2012

USPS Postal Rates Increasing Notice Soon Effective

USPS Postal Rates Increasing Notice Soon Effective. 

Hello, and Welcome to Second Time Treasures. Always glad to have you stop, and visit with Me. Whew! What a week, not enough time for everything, trying to make out a schedule of things for me to do during the week...blogging, website, social networks, market places, pictures, listings, repurposing upcycling and recreating, so on, so on, and so on. 

While doing that I wanted to drop by here, and give you all a heads up, and a friendly reminder about our postal rates increasing. Yep, that time of year again, another postal increase, and it goes into effect January 22, 2012. Postage stamps will go from .44 up to .45. Course, everything else will going higher too. I tried to get a chart from the USPS site for all of the changes, but was having problems accessing it all to make some copies. Hopefully all of you will be able to find them numbers you need for all things you do with mailing. I like to have my charts copied ahead of time so that I can calculate all the flat rate shipping that I offer with things I sell. 

Also, another reminder.....there will be NO mail on Monday, the 16th. Martin Luther King Jr Birthday is being observed. I know, that one got by me too. I had to look at the calender when I was being reminded....they were right, and I was a day off again:)

Hope this finds everyone having a super weekend. I am trying to work on gluing some things with the limited working spaces I have right now. I started one piece, added some glue, checked on it, has not moved and is setting. Will let it sit over night before I try to glue the other piece to it. When it is completed I will drop by here, and show ya'll a picture of what I have done. This time I am using 3 pieces, and they are all new pieces too. Yepper! Bought them from the store this time to try. 

Thanks again for visiting with Second Time Treasures. Hope ya'll are having a super start to the weekend. Take care, have fun thrifting, hope you can get out to do some treasure hunting, and enjoy it all! Make sure you say Hi so I know you were here, and that I can come by to visit with you also. Toodles! See you again soon:-)


Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone in Blogland Bloggers and Website Visitors

Happy New Year Everyone in Blogland Bloggers and Website Visitors!

Thinking of all of you, and hoping everyone had a great weekend too! Some will go back to work tomorrow, and some will still have the day off too. No mail, banks will be closed, and some of the retailers will also take this as their holiday. 

So, did everyone have fun? Did you have any big plans, or celebrations that you attended? Hope everyone had some fun, enjoyed it, and most of all that you were safe too. I had a pizza, some beer, was home by myself, and worked on things in house a bit along with some work in my internet stores too. Relaxing evening:)

Hope ya'll enjoyed your weekend, and here is to everyone having a super great new year. Here is to 2012!! Take care, and see you again soon!:)