Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Happy Holidays from PassnItOn!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Hope all had a great Christmas, and was able to enjoy the day!:) Wishing ya'll a great New Year!!
By the way....HAPPY HUMP DAY!!:) When you can, stop by to visit my store at PassnItOn @ Artfire to see what crafty things are there now, and know there is being more worked on to be added to the store too. Will keep you posted:) Take care, and see ya'll later:)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! From PassnItOn!! I hope that everyone enjoyed their day today. I pray that everyone had some where they could be, someone they could be with, some how able to be with others to share this glorious day. Hoping the best for everyone, and hoping ya'll had a splendid day! Merry Christmas to ALL!:)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Repurposed Upcycled Reconstructed Pedestal Stand Candle Holder, Cake Plate by Me at Artfire
Repurposed Upcycled Cake Plate with a Cobalt Blue Pedestal Stand
Another Cake Plate Repurposed Upcycled Reconstructed by Me with a Cobalt Blue Pedestal Stand
A Green Plate with A Brown Glass Chandelier Light Cover Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me
Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me is the Fuscia Glass Candle Holder, and White plate with soft pink flower design
Glass Candle Holder Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by me to make this adorable compote pedestal stand
Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me is this Glass Designed Plate with a Floral Ceramic Candle Holder attached for a gorgeous pedestal stand
These pictures all noted to you are the last of the items I just listed to my Artfire Store this past week. What fun it was reconstructing these, and putting them together for your enjoyment, and to adorn your homes! Many many possibilities with all of these pieces. See my Artfire Store for more pictures, and for more details of these adorable pieces:)
WOW! Christmas is next weekend already! We work sooo hard for everything prior to that, spend much time for preparations, and then all of a sudden just like's here!:)
Stop by to visit my store for repurposed, upcycled, and reconstructed pieces by me with PassnItOn at artfire. Have a super weekend everyone, and hope to see you in my store!:) Take care:)
Another Cake Plate Repurposed Upcycled Reconstructed by Me with a Cobalt Blue Pedestal Stand
A Green Plate with A Brown Glass Chandelier Light Cover Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me
Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me is the Fuscia Glass Candle Holder, and White plate with soft pink flower design
Glass Candle Holder Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by me to make this adorable compote pedestal stand
Repurposed Upcycled and Reconstructed by Me is this Glass Designed Plate with a Floral Ceramic Candle Holder attached for a gorgeous pedestal stand
These pictures all noted to you are the last of the items I just listed to my Artfire Store this past week. What fun it was reconstructing these, and putting them together for your enjoyment, and to adorn your homes! Many many possibilities with all of these pieces. See my Artfire Store for more pictures, and for more details of these adorable pieces:)
WOW! Christmas is next weekend already! We work sooo hard for everything prior to that, spend much time for preparations, and then all of a sudden just like's here!:)
Stop by to visit my store for repurposed, upcycled, and reconstructed pieces by me with PassnItOn at artfire. Have a super weekend everyone, and hope to see you in my store!:) Take care:)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Repurosed Upcycled Pedestal Stands at Artfire PassnItOn Store
Hello again, just me:) Wanted to come back in here, and leave pictures of some of the items I have added to my artfire store within this past week. I am having fun, have had some good compliments, one person told me she sees this kind of thing with some of her crafts shows she attends, and how popular these are becoming too.
Stop by my store at Artfire to see what is there, and watch for what is yet to come too. I have some things being worked on, completed, and ready to list too.
Thanks for visiting with me, and hope to see you over at my store. Take care, and again have a super week everyone!:)
Repurosed Upcycled Reconstructed Handmade Treasures at Artfire
Hello Eveyrone, and stopping by to add to my blog a big, check on things, the usual:)
I have added another item to my store on artfire, and hope you can stop by to see what I have been doing, adding, etc. See PassnItOn at Artfire to see my treasures I have been making:) I have a few items sitting here that have been washed, air dried, and ready for me to connect those pieces together too. Let's see, cobalt blue goblets, plates with soft blue flowers and blue to match the goblets, some silver trim....Hmm...sounds inviting, huh? I hope to have them done in a couple of days, and ready for show too:)
Hope the weather is doing well where you are. We got hit with quite a bit yesterday. Winds up to 40 mph, morning day and night it went on. This morning woke to sun, and sparkly snow that needed to be moved to get on & off the yard here, to get around to feed horses, and paths to just be able to move. Hard to imagine going from 1 extreme to the next...UGH!
Well, I better be off to check on things, and see if it is ready for me to start gluing yet:) I have a birdhouse I need to put the finishing touches on, and hope to get that done tonight yet so I can have that listed in my store too. Stop by to visit my store when you can, and thanks for visiting here. Stop by anytime:) Have a super week everyone!:)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
USPS Annual Increases for Shipping Methods Used by Sellers and Shoppers
Hello everyone, and Welcome to PassnItOn's Blog!:) Glad you could make it, dropped by, and visited for a bit:)
Online Merchants Face Annual Increase in Shipping Costs
By Ina Steiner
December 06, 2010
Reading AuctionBytes: Online Merchants Face Annual Increase in Shipping Costs
I am one of those who gets newletters from auctionbytes, and enjoy reading them. They do well keep you updated with things that will effect sellers, and buyers. So, copied above this you will see that I copied a change that will be effecting us soon. Yes, increases with shipping costs again, and with some of the methods used. Sorry to be the one showing the bad news, but something that we all need to be aware of.
I have added a few more things with my artfire store. When you can, stop by to visit, and see what is being offered. Visit PassnItOn at artfire to see some goodies!:) Hope to see ya'll there.
Well, gotta run again. Outside to take care of some things, and trying to figure out some transportation for tomorrow....:( Take care everyone, and thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again:)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Visit my Marketplaces with Artfire, and eCrater Too
Time is just flying now isn't it? Where is it going? It has passed me some where as I am not getting everything done as I should, or want to do. I have started items to my Artfire store for PassnItOn. I don't have all in there I wish to have, but am working on it. Taking pictures, measuring things, and listing as I am able to between the dealings of everyday life too:) I have items ready to list again, some items to be completed, and some items that have pieces setting out ready to be reconstructed too. It's exciting, I love it, and wish I had all the time in the world to get them done. But, one day at a time, and hopefully get done what I want to.
When possible visit my store to see what I have added so far, and keep an eye out for what other treasures I will also be listing too. Don't forget I also sell vintage collectibles, and have another store at Artfire for such a thing. The name of that store is LilacsNDreams. Yes, Artfire sells Hand Made, Vintage, Supplies, Media, Design, and Fine Art. Wonderful people there, and everyday something is always being added there. So, visit my stores there when you can, and visit with other sellers there too. And, lastly what I cannot offer at Artfire with their rules of what can be sold, can be seen with another store I am adding inventory to. That store is at eCrater, and also using the name of LilacsNDreams.
When you can stop back to visit with me here, and also with my stores. Love the company, the comments, and seeing everyone there. Wishing everyone a great Sunday, and a beautiful week! Best of luck to all of you!:)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Handmade, Vintage, Repurposed, Upcycled and Much More at Arfire Stores
Hello & Welcome to PassnItOn!:) Above this you will see pictures of what I am starting to list in my ArtFire store today. YES! Finally, I have decided the time is here to start listing what I have done so far, and to make room for me to work on more pieces, and different things here I would like to finish up with to list at ArtFire also. So, when you get a chance, visit with me at PassnItOn @ Artfire
Bear with me as I begin this new store, getting inventory ready for it, and I reminding you I also have my other store there at ArtFire that is for my vintage collectibles. Keep in mind also, if you do not find what you are looking for with me & my stores, make sure to check out the other great sellers on site there too. There is so many wonderful things there at ArtFire, and I myself could look forever & ever, and enjoy all of it too!:)
Was nice of you to stop by to see me today, visit with me, view with me, and hope to see you again. Thanks for visiting with me, and hope to see you again. Take care, and have a super week, and best of luck to all you sellers too!:)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Hello to all passing through, and for those stopping to visit with me!:) Glad to have you. Hope this finds everyone doing well, and getting ready for the big Turkey Day this week too. Does everyone have big plans? This year will be different for me. Usually it is a big gathering every year, cooking, dishes, more dishes, food on top of food, and everyone sitting around enjoying the time with family & friends. For those of us gathering at our home this year it will be very small. Some where along the way some of the family & friends have lost what it is to have people around without being selfish, and psychotic about things. But, enough of that....sorry.
I am trying really hard this week to have some things ready to start listing in my artfire store. Getting very anxious, and also very nervous for it too. I have about 3 pieces I am adding some simple little touches to, and then I have another I need to finish some extras that I am doing with it also. I will keep ya'll posted with this, and with when I do get things listed.
Stopping by to check on things here, and to leave a note with a Hello to everyone coming through. Take care all, have a gorgeous day, a beautiful week, and Happy Thanksgiving!:)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Upcycled, Repurposed, Recontructed White Fire King Saucer and Candle Holder
Hello everyone visiting, and passing through!:) Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Snow here, and it is melting right away too...UGH! Sorry, but just not ready for the snow yet either.
I just left the forums at artfire, and was reading more, and taking notes on the good & the bad of listings with the upcycled reconstructed treasures of vintage, and what to use for wording things, why it is not longer vintage but descriptions should still show vintage pieces used, and etc. Was very interesting reading, and enjoyed learning from it too. Helps me better understand things when I start listing my work done.
Pictured here is a piece I have completed, and am going to leave as is. My daughter felt it looked store boughten as is, so no lace, buttons, pearl strands, bows, anything with this.
It is a pure milk white fire king saucer, with no cup, and was found like this by itself. No other pieces with it, just the 1 saucer. At the same time on another side of the store I found the milk white candle holder that is glued to this saucer making a stand used for various items of personal use. Both pieces have no chips, scratches, very clean, very white, and very shiny too. I am happy with it, and am gearing up to start listing what bit I do have to offer at ArtFire, and hopefully get more done as I am listing too:)
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and thanks again for visiting with me. I appreciate it, and hope to see you drop by again. Take care, and have a super week everyone!:)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Repurposed Upcycled Vintage Treasures for Home Decor
Welcome to all who visit, browse, stop by, pass through! Hope ya'll had a great weekend, and hope that the Halloween weekend was good to everyone. I have completed a few more pieces, and some I am going to leave as is, but maybe 2-3 of the pieces I want to add a little to them yet. They look like they need something:) So, here are group pictures I did of some items so far:
These are pictures of items that are pretty much completed, and are being prepared for listing with my ArtFire store. I have the store set up, banner, avatar, but am working on some of the inventory. Along with these items I hope to also offer like some doilies, cloth napkins, tablecloths, and such as that too. I need to get envelopes for such items, and also look over charts for shipping for all of these items so I am prepared for when I start my listings. Wish me luck...I am starting to get nervous as this is a new venture for me. I have sold vintage, collectibles since 2005 as LilacsNDreams with different marketplaces, I do have an ArtFire store for LilacsNDreams, and have decided to add repurposed upcycled treasures along with that, but with another store. When you get a chance, visit my LilacsNDreams places, love the company from everyone!:) Crafting, handmade, repurposed, and upcycled it is really fun to look at, plan on what you want to do, see pieces for sale & just know that you can repurpose it some how....It is a thrill, and feels good when accomplished too:)
Well, want to keep this shorter, and not such a book for ya'll:) Thinking of everyone, and hoping ya'll had a great weekend. Have a super week of sales, and with crafting too!:)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Have a Happy Halloween & Be Safe Everyone!:)
Stopping on by here quick to wish everyone a Happy Halloween Day & Evening!:) If you have festivities, or plans...please be safe. Don't eat too much candy, and hope ya'll enjoy the evening full of fun!:)
Take care everyone, and Have Fun!!:)
Friday, October 29, 2010
List For Google Disallowed Words
Hi! Welcome to PassnItOn blog:) I am going to do something just a little bit different than the norm for me. I try to share things I know, things I learn, and things that would be helpful to all of you who also are on-line sellers like me:) Google, as we know, is one of the highest search engines used to find, and show our products that we list for sale. So, the list I am about to share here is in no way perfect, and will not be 100% complete. Why? Google is forever changing, but this list is close to what I have seen, read, and gathered thus far. Listed are words to avoid putting with your ads, titles, listings, etc.
WARNING: Attempts to cheat the Google system using misspellings, asterisks, or other tricks are considered abuse.
- free (including hyphenated words such as pet-free, smoke-free, hands-free, etc-free)
- sale- vacation
- travel
- travels
- Sold (will make your listings go to the bottom of Google's List)
- smoke, smoked
- champagne
- whiskey
- beer
- cigar
- cigarette
- rum
- rummo
- wine
- vine (supposedly because vine = wine in another language)
- vineyard
- camel (as a cig brand, otherwise it's showing up)
- brandy
- gin
- bordeaux
- burgandy
- ale
- hemp (?)
- absinthe (type of alcohol)
- anime (however "manga" is allowed)
- strip
- stripper
- adult; including hyphenated words such as adult-size
- butt
- sexy/sex
- affair
- ale
- chick
- sensual
- offensive language
- knife/knives
- nude
- postage (or postage stamp)
- collecting (collectible and collect are okay)
- thorny
- precious metal
- muse
- corsage
- gun
- Z (as stand alone letter)
- double @ (i.e.: L@@K, B@@BS)
- fireworks
- bank
PRICE RESTRICTION: Google Base will not take items under US $1
CAPITALIZATION KILLS!! Only first letter of words capitalized.
No punctuations, or markings used such as : - , ; " " ( ) * ! and etc.
*Google and Google Base are 2 different search engines. Rejected listings in Google Base (Google Product Search / Google Shopping) may still appear in Google.
I am hoping this list will help other fellow sellers when trying to understand Google. No one will ever have a complete list of this as Google is forever changing. Also, they never really do give out full details/lists of things for us all to see. For some of the words that are disallowed I would suggest being creative & open a thesaurus! Wishing everyone the best of luck, and I do hope this can help you. Take care, and have a great day everyone!:)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Please Help Me....Free Banner, Avatar, Template Designer to Use
Hello everyone, and hope ya'll are enjoying your day/weekend thus far:) I am having an issue, and wanted to put a note out for everyone if they could kindly help me with this issue I am having.
I have used for a very long time. I used them for all my banners I made, my avatars, etc. For past couple of days, or so there has been an issue to sign into the site...Link is broken, not found, etc. I am like...Oh No! Now what? So, I am asking for assistance from those around if you could make some suggestions to me...I would greatly appreciate this. With bannerfans I could easily navigate around there, use my own pics, chose of avatars to use, choose size of items being made, normal color charts to use, borders, and etc. Best of was free too:)
If anyone knows of other places that could be used, and that does not put their link visible on the items being created, I would so appreciate this. I wanted to work with my websites, and wanted to rearrange, and make some buttons to be used on the site, but now am at a loss. Thanks so much for your consideration, and co-operation with this everyone. I appreciate it:)
Well, better be working on some other things. Take care everyone, and have a splendid day! Happy Weekend!:)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Repurposed Recycled Items soon to be listed at ArtFire Store
Unsure of item at this time, what to do, what to add, etc.
I found some lace that has a touch of opaque look in it. I could not catch how it changes oh so lightly in the light, but was just enough to give this piece a little character:)
I liked where I came with this, but one of those things where it felt as tho it had a little of something missing from it too:)
I didn't really want to add bows, or more flowers to this as the gorgeous roses are in center of bowl, and flower design in the lace I used. I didn't add a whole lot, but a few pink sequins into the center of some of the flowers showing in the lace. Just a little touch to this
This resembles the other one I made like this. Only difference is the lace in this one is not as wide as the lace used with first item done like this. I felt these pcs worked well together, and with the lace, pink pearls, and ribbon bows it was just enough of a dainty touch with this:)
I found some lace that has a touch of opaque look in it. I could not catch how it changes oh so lightly in the light, but was just enough to give this piece a little character:)
I liked where I came with this, but one of those things where it felt as tho it had a little of something missing from it too:)
I didn't really want to add bows, or more flowers to this as the gorgeous roses are in center of bowl, and flower design in the lace I used. I didn't add a whole lot, but a few pink sequins into the center of some of the flowers showing in the lace. Just a little touch to this
This resembles the other one I made like this. Only difference is the lace in this one is not as wide as the lace used with first item done like this. I felt these pcs worked well together, and with the lace, pink pearls, and ribbon bows it was just enough of a dainty touch with this:)
Bonanza, eCrater, ArtFire . . . Vintage, Collectibles, Dinnerware, Kitchenware, Glassware, Home Decor, Pottery
Hello everyone, and sorry to be gone from here so long. Didn't realize I had been MIA:) Been busy with listings, pictures---dealing with other marketplaces for things I sell. But...have also been busy with a few more items for this store that I am hoping to have filling up here soon. Went through some of the doilies here, table cloths, and little linen things like that to add with my repurposed-upcycled items I want to list with ArtFire. Not happening as soon as I thought, but I am about ready. I figured if I had my other venues in order, I could focus a bit more with supplying this store:)
When you have a chance, seen my other venues operating right now with vintage, collectibles, dinnerware, kitchenware, glassware, pottery at LilacsNDreams bonanza, and LilacsNDreams eCrater. Love the visits with all stores I have, and to hear from you too:)
With all of those stores at this time I do accept payments with Paypal, Google Checkout, Revolution Money Exchange, and POSTAL money orders. A Postal Money order will clear right away with no delays in shipping.
Ok, off to get some things moved around between my stores, and check on things glued & drying:) Wishing ya'll a great week, and best of luck to all sellers, and shoppers too:)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Refurbished, Repurposed, Upcycled Treasure Accomplished
Enclosing 3 pictures of a few more items done. The first one is similar to the first one done, but different size of lace. These last 2 showing might not be fully done yet. Above I am thinking about some small small mini bows, or some sequens, or something. This last one....not sure what it is, but does not feel done yet. I might have some lace wide enough to add around the rim of this bowl to help fill in a gap that feels like is there.
Anyway, off and running again. Working to get things done, and get stores ready for the holiday season. Have a super evening everyone!:)
Passn It On
Holiday Shopping Season ~ Christmas Shopping Season
Hello again to all who stop to visit with me, are browsing my stores, and out surfing. So happy you stopped by to visit, and view!
I usually am not the pushy type of person. I am easy going, carefree, and love doing what I do. But, I do want to remind everyone . . . HOLIDAYS . . . are fast approaching for ALL of us! Coming fast for the sellers trying to get all their stores, booths, websites, and products ready, but it is also fastly approaching for the shoppers too.
Just heard some reports about September Retail numbers were very strong last month. This could mean a strong holiday season for us all. If any of the shoppers are like me . . . I have been watching my pennies, not buying anything, being a good girl all year . . . But, I am getting antsy, and ready to shop!
So, everyone make note, it is predicted this will be a good season. But, also remember other retailers are aware of this, and will be gearing up with coupons, sales, and doing what they can for their businesses also.
Hope ya'll have enjoyed this, and again, Thanks so much for visiting with Passn It On today. Have a great Shopping Day Evening Everyone! Please, when you have a chance, visit with my other blog at
Hope you enjoyed your visit with Me!:)
Passn It On
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Treasure Seekers Unite and TSU Sellers Network
We have 2 great applications that can benefit ALL of us with TSU, and the new platform soon to open. Please have a look at what is being proposed, and then decide if you would like to donate to 1, the other, or both of them. Great for exposure with ads on site, and getting some SEO assistance to put us in searches even a little more. Stop, visit, and help with these great applications offered to us:)
Please visit the link above to better understand what is being assisted with. I truly believe in this social network, I have learned much from it, great group of people, it's a free site for sellers & buyers to vent, learn & share with groups for all major marketplaces, and sites. Post a link, advertise here, follow on facebook, tweet, buzz all from the 1 site. "Visit out of curiosity; stay for a lifetime" Quote from a dear member there who is retired, a seller, and believes in this place too. If I have not already done so, from the bottom of my heart . . . . . Thank You!:)
We have 2 great applications that can benefit ALL of us with TSU, and the new platform soon to open. Please have a look at what is being proposed, and then decide if you would like to donate to 1, the other, or both of them. Great for exposure with ads on site, and getting some SEO assistance to put us in searches even a little more. Stop, visit, and help with these great applications offered to us:)
Please visit the link above to better understand what is being assisted with. I truly believe in this social network, I have learned much from it, great group of people, it's a free site for sellers & buyers to vent, learn & share with groups for all major marketplaces, and sites. Post a link, advertise here, follow on facebook, tweet, buzz all from the 1 site. "Visit out of curiosity; stay for a lifetime" Quote from a dear member there who is retired, a seller, and believes in this place too. If I have not already done so, from the bottom of my heart . . . . . Thank You!:)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Selling on ArtFire, Repurposed Handmade Projects, Crafting
Hello again to Everyone who visits, and welcome to my blog!:) After dealing with things around the house this morning, I did settle on some lace to use for yet another glass candle stick, and plate. I have an identical glass candle stick, and plate like one previously made. I used the last of that particular lace that is pictured with it. But, did find another lace identical to it, and a bit smaller in size. Same color though. No 2 pcs can ever be identical, right?
Then, I found a simple homco glass candle holder that is a small one for a pillar candle. It has not sold in my other store I have, so I have washed it again, cleaned, air dried it, and it is now glued with a small bowl. If you like the homer laughlin plate with that candle stick, you are sure to like this homer laughlin eggshell bowl that has been added with this candle stick:) Both pcs are small, dainty like, and will be great for little trinkets, adding some little soaps, or some cotton balls in your bathrooms, and many possibilities with it:)
I have been busy with my other store at artfire filling it with treasures, and am still having fun around there too. I would all of you to know, and remember that ArtFire is not only handmade, and crafts...that is the majority of the site, but it is also for the vintage/antique sellers out there too. Should see some of the beautiful glassware, serving pcs, dinnerware, and etc being shown there. Very nice, and they are well presented for your viewing too:) Have a look at when you have a chance. You will enjoy the visit:) You can also visit my other store there which is found at LilacsNDreams
Time to go & check on things. Anxious to get my other project done:) Seeing how the glues have dried, and if I can add a bit more for it to set, and dry untouched:) Wish me luck. Ya'll take care, and thanks again for your visit!:) Look forward to sharing with you again:) Have a super Tuesday!
Passn It On.....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Finished Handmade Projects Showing
This item has been completed by me. I used a glass candle stick along with a homer laughlin saucer with no cup that came with it. There were a couple of nicks near the rim which I have covered with the lace that was glued to this. I then added a very small sized strand of pearls in the rim of the lace attached. At the bottom of the glass candle stick base I have added some little dainty pink ribbon bows to give it a little character. I will be selling this as seen, and leave the possibilities to the new owner of this adorable piece:) |
This is another project completed by me also. This is a glass candle stick with a plate that has some really nice design work in it. This item has enough design work I do not feel the need to add any lace, pearls, ribbong, etc. But, upon offering this for sale I have thought about adding the candle with it, and maybe some little pretties. This is something to be determined yet before listing it for sale. Going through my inventory, and these separate pieces just kind of came together from what I was first going to do. I am happy I decided upon putting these together. So so much better in person than I have shown here. Hopefully upon listing for sale I can show the beauty of this:) |
Hope ya'll are having a beautiful weekend! Sunny here, still waiting on grass to dry for mowing, but I am crossing my fingers, and going to have a little faith for that:) Thought I would come by here & share what I have completed. I did get a few more paints, and am hoping to complete another wall hanging I have been working on revising for sale too. Wish me luck, and will keep ya'll posted about where I am listing these gorgeous pieces. I am working on the new marketplace I have chosen for doing some sales there, getting the banner set up, my avatar, and now waiting till the 1st when I am scheduled to become a pro member. After that I can work with my store more due to the tools & features that will come with my pro membership.
Crossing my fingers because I am getting excited for this. I need to get some envelopes to use for my shipments of doilies, tablecloths, and etc that will also be offered with this store. I have my other store I work with too. I sell vintage, collectibles, glassware, dinnerware, kitchenware with that store, and have been working on some finishing things with it too. Always a working progress:)
Hope ya'll are having a beautiful Sunday! Best of luck in all you do:)
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