Sunday, April 24, 2011

Artfire Addoway Vintage Collectibles Repurposed Upcycled

Hello, and Welcome to PassnItOn! Stopping by to wish all of you a HAPPY EASTER to you, and yours. Be safe, and enjoy the day everyone. 

This year just me, and hubby sitting at home. Feels really different, but I guess this is what it is when kids grown up, move out, on their own, marry, children, and etc. Holidays will always be hard with this. 

Tonight I did about 9 listings between Artfire, and my Addoway Store. I have completed the transfer of repurposed, and upcycled treasures from PassnItOn into my LilacsNDreams Store. Has been a smooth move, and actually I think a good one too. I have been featured with more collections with the transfer, and of course puts more items into my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store which will bring more traffic too. So, now you will find the repurposed, and upcycled treasures I do in that store along with vintage, collectibles, glassware, and so on. So far I think things are blending in well enough. When you visit my store, on the right side of the page click on the category for Repurposed, Upcycled, Recycled to see all the items of this nature listed there.

I really thought about it hard, but finally did remove the pro membership on my PassnItOn Store to a basic account. Hated to let such a good deal go, but nothing is in the store, no plans to do anything with another store at this time, and it is for the best to do this. I also have another store that is with Addoway where I will be offering treasures that are not old enough for vintage, but collectibles, or pieces that are still desired by people.

So, when you have a chance visit with my stores, browse, and enjoy your visits. Any questions do not hesitate to contact me, ok? 

Wishing ya'll a super weekend, and a very HAPPY EASTER! Take care, enjoy, and be safe!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Artfire For Vintage, Supplies, Handmade, Designs and Addoway For Everything

Hello, and welcome to PassnItOn Blog! Glad to see you here, and visiting with me again. 

I am still doing my transfers of this store to my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store. I am almost done, about 4 more to go, and have been getting some really good reviews from different people on facebook, and etc. Thanks everyone!:) Feels better with kind words from others, and the sweet comments everyone has been leaving for me. many others, I to have products that do not qualify for Artfire. Either they are not handmade, designed, supplies, or old enough to be vintage. So, I have to find another place to sell products that I cannot sell at Artfire. And, no, I am enjoying Artfire very much that I will not leave it either:) 

Anyway, many of us use more than 1 selling venue for different reasons, different needs, different circumstances, and etc. I would like to suggest to many of you to try They are a young site, are nicely growing, have had many sellers leave bonanza to come here, AND many are reporting making sales with Addoway too. So, click here, look it over, and give it a try  I have started listings there myself, have had the store for a while but never used it, and am seeing such good things about it that I too am trying it out. 

Thanks again for visiting with me today everyone, and make sure you check out my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store, and also, please, checkout out Addoway too. Looks like something good to also grow with too:)

Best of luck to all of you, thanks for visiting me today, and see you again soon:)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Artfire Vintage Collectibles Glassware Home Decor Repurposed Upcycled Recycled

Hello, and Welcome to PassnItOn Blog. Happy to have you here. 

Sorry, I know I have been a bit slow getting to this blog, and it has not been intentional. Been working with the transfer of items from my PassnItOn Artfire Store into my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store. Been a little slower then intended due to family, life, and something is always coming up lately. But, I keep working on it as I am able to. 

I do have a cloche that I had repurposed, upcycled, and recycled from different pieces put together. I was never really completely happy with the ending product. It felt like something was missing, but not sure what it was. You ever get that sometimes? And then it bothers you, or nags at you a bit till maybe you think of something. Done that a few times myself as I am sure others have too. Well, the other night before transferring it to my LilacsNDreams Artfire store I found a glass piece that appeared to be the right size, height, and was clear glass to match with the glass cloche dome made. I have glued the piece to the bottom, and feel better with the piece now. It gave it a little bit of height, not much, but just enough I think. My only hope is that others will like it as I like it now. My first cloche to make, and I have ideas for another one. Still a working progress for the second one. 

I have been busy with my facebook page for LilacsNDreams, and have had many likes this past week from many good Artfire Members, and others finding me along the way. I am really enjoying the combination of both these stores, have had some good responses to it, and some great views too. It really feels good to house things under one to speak. 

When you get a chance, visit my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store. Hopefully this weekend the transfer will have been completed as I have also completed a few other projects I would like to add with the inventory. I am really enjoying this, and feel comfortable with this too. Stop by to visit, say Hi, leave me a comment, and love the visits! Hey, don't forget you can do the same thing here too!:)

Thanks for visiting PassnItOn Blog today. Hope to see you again. Take care everyone, and have a super weekend!:)