Sunday, April 24, 2011

Artfire Addoway Vintage Collectibles Repurposed Upcycled

Hello, and Welcome to PassnItOn! Stopping by to wish all of you a HAPPY EASTER to you, and yours. Be safe, and enjoy the day everyone. 

This year just me, and hubby sitting at home. Feels really different, but I guess this is what it is when kids grown up, move out, on their own, marry, children, and etc. Holidays will always be hard with this. 

Tonight I did about 9 listings between Artfire, and my Addoway Store. I have completed the transfer of repurposed, and upcycled treasures from PassnItOn into my LilacsNDreams Store. Has been a smooth move, and actually I think a good one too. I have been featured with more collections with the transfer, and of course puts more items into my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store which will bring more traffic too. So, now you will find the repurposed, and upcycled treasures I do in that store along with vintage, collectibles, glassware, and so on. So far I think things are blending in well enough. When you visit my store, on the right side of the page click on the category for Repurposed, Upcycled, Recycled to see all the items of this nature listed there.

I really thought about it hard, but finally did remove the pro membership on my PassnItOn Store to a basic account. Hated to let such a good deal go, but nothing is in the store, no plans to do anything with another store at this time, and it is for the best to do this. I also have another store that is with Addoway where I will be offering treasures that are not old enough for vintage, but collectibles, or pieces that are still desired by people.

So, when you have a chance visit with my stores, browse, and enjoy your visits. Any questions do not hesitate to contact me, ok? 

Wishing ya'll a super weekend, and a very HAPPY EASTER! Take care, enjoy, and be safe!

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