Friday, May 20, 2011

Artfire, Blog, LilacsNDreams, Vintage, Collectibles, Repruposed, Upcycled

Hello everyone, and Welcome to PassnItOn! Wonderful to see you here!

I like many others have gotten into some kind of slump of not getting things done. I think with all the google changes of the UPI, having to redo listings to help them get accepted with google, and each site you belong to seems to do it just a lil bit differently. So, that has taken some work to do that, and then also keep up with Facebook, blogs, website, and so on. 

I have been working with my website the past few days. Know how you do something, and it just feels unfinished, not full done, like it is missing something? Well, I was getting that on my website I was working with. Did not feel fully like I wanted it to. I had done quite a bit with it, but it just felt like there was something missing, and could not put my finger on it. Well, I worked with it, and think I have it to a point I can enjoy it more. Right now I have it set up with different tabs for venues I sell with, and am using all widgets that I can to either click, and view more, or have it take you to purchasing pieces too. 

I have reworded some of my Welcome, and About Me, and hopefully I can leave it alone for a while now. I need to work on adding more content with it, but that is one thing I am thankful for that I did add a Blog Tab to the top of my site so there is a place to blog with. At least I can offer things there, show things, and keep everyone updated with things by using my website blog too. 

So, what has everyone else been up to? I know around here this weekend is a very big weekend for graduation! Another year gone by, and another time in life for those who will be stepping forward to experience life, and the new roads that they will take. How scarey, how fun, how exciting, and how heart felt too. 

Hopefully I can keep clearing things out of the house, narrow down some areas, reorganize & simplify, and start working with some crafts again. I have made notes, and hope to imply some of the ideas soon that I have been noting:)

Hope this finds everyone doing well, and wishing ya'll a super weekend! Visit my LilacsNDreams Artfire Store for vintage, collectibles, glassware, home decor, housewares, and also for repurposed and upcycled treasures too. Hope you enjoy the visit as well. 

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