Welcome to Second Time Treasures Everyone! Great to have you back here, and visiting today.
Wow! What a weekend! I had a great schedule of how I was working things out for all my blogs, doing listings for my reselling that I do, taking pictures, doing research, and etc. Then...boom! I got hit with the bad luck thing again. Why Me? Does it quit? When can I see the light of day? And...you know what I mean:)
The computer has always done this thing where it shuts down, no signal found, and sometimes will restart, and other times you have to start it. Computer always comes back on, and business as usual...unless the temperature is warm on it of course. So, when it went down nothing different was thought of it. Turned it back on, and WOW! Different desktop pic showing, icons were different, finding files and transferring them to another place, and just all that kind of stuff. Along the bottom bar I get pop ups for when computer starts, and to me they looked normal.
After doing work, restart computer, and boom! Back to the beginning again. Files gone I was moving, desktop not saving, and just everything I did was not saving on the computer. One of them there pop ups that comes on as computer is coming on, and signing in showed something about Profile Not Found. So, I watched closer, made note of it, and then went into ask.com to research it a bit. Yepper! There was others who had this happen....a corrupted file! So, I pretty much did all that was instructed except messing with the registry keys...that makes me nervous. I am no computer tech, and do things as I have learned them.
Finally, I seem to be getting some where that I could at least save the files to folders organized in my Picture folder. Desktop picture was staying as it should. The browser of choice was finally staying set without asking me everytime it started up which browser to use, etc. Nothing perfect, still have a lil kink in it here, and there. Looked through the registry keys for the one suggested....not there. I cannot find some of the missing files that I know are in the hard drive, and therefore some things I have to start over with again...urgh!
I have gone into computer, put the sleep mode as never, set computer as never to shut off unless I do it, or of course something bad is coming in.....that I cannot get to work for me as it keeps reverting back to the other settings. So, some where I do not have full access as the new administrator I have assigned to this computer....the other old ones have been deleted. But, I am up and running, and now to play a lil bit of catch me up with things.
It's Wednesday....HAPPY HUMP DAY TO ALL!! Hope ya'll are doing well this week, enjoying the weather, and have been able to do some thrifting, or painting, or some repurposing and crafting too. I'm getting there, but the computer comes first right now:) Know what I mean?:)
Thanks for sharing your time with Second Time Treasures! Come back to visit again soon.
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