Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome to Second Time Treasures Blog

Hello, and Welcome again to Second Time Treasures! Glad to see you here, and happy that you passed by to visit. 

If you are following me you will notice that I am slowly making some changes again with this blog. I have done the name change....Use to be Passn It On. Also, at the top you will notice that 2 of the tabs when clicked take you to a new page. When you see LilacsNDreams with the page banners along with the tab name, please do not get excited. That is my name I have used since 2004, and to keep things a bit simpler I have redirected you to those pages for this blog as well. Hope that is understandable how I have tried to explain it. Give the tabs a click to see what I am referring to if you will:)

I hope this finds everyone having a great morning, day, evening which ever it may be for you. Also, I would like to quickly note that I belong to different social networks....I love meeting people, and being involved, and learning things with them too. Anyway, the one site I belong to called Treasure Seekers Unite has a new platform, and it is really looking good. Members are signing up and joining. The site is for sellers, buyers, collectors, and so on. A little bit of everyone. Place to meet others who might share some of your same interests, and with the groups you can become more involved. Share some things, you know:) When you get a chance, stop by to give them a visit, and become a member as well. Would be happy to see you there. While there maybe consider joining my group I have started, and administering there as well called Re-Treasure. Hope to see you there everyone!:)

Thanks for visiting with Second Time Treasures, and hope you enjoyed your visit with me. Thanks so much for being patient with me as I work with changes on everything. I appreciate it all. Take care everyone. 

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