Hello to all of you in blog land. Hope this finds all doing well, and ready for the weekend! Staying busy with preparing for graduation...this will be our last one. All of our babies are now grown up. Now we are onto grand kids which our grand daughter does fill our time. It is kind of like watching a flower grow all over again. New year, new time, and looks very much like her mother...has the same temperment with same attitude her mother had too. Only difference is her mother gets to deal with it now, and not us. Gotta love it:-)
I have not gotten all done like I wanted to with listing things on the different venues I sell at. That bothers me, but doing the best I can. Due to graduation now I have to work on those invites, the food, the tableware, pictures, and etc. But, that is a good thing as for our daughter it was kind of thrown together. I had been in hospital for about 3 1/2 weeks, and when I finally got home, and done with my daily treatments for about 6 weeks, her graduation was only a few weeks away. Luckily I had a few to help me at that time.
But, anyway here is to wishing everyone a Beautiful Weekend! Enjoy....:-)
Hello everyone in Blog Land! Hope everyone is having a great day & the weather is good for where you are at! Beautiful sunshine here, bit cool yet, but still a nice day to be thankful for. This is a good sign that spring is coming, almost here, and I am anxiously waiting. Don't know about any of you, but getting cabin fever here, and ready to get out & do some things. Hmm...yard sales, thrift stores, do a little painting, crafting, and etc. When spring comes I just feel more in the mood to do things, and to be out of the house. I am sure it is like that for many people, right?
Well, in a couple of months our son, the last child at home will graduate. More time on my hands for me, right? It is different as I am experiencing this now. About a month ago...have to know the full story of things, but he decided he wanted to be in town, tired of driving back and forth for work & school, etc etc. Many things that teenage boys go through. But...to leave me sitting out here without a vehicle, and using my car is actually another story in itself. He now has his own car, bought it himself, wants to do things himself, but now found out he needs work done with the car. Wants to know if we can help. I don't hear from him, doesn't check on me to see if I need anything, or are things ok, but he needs a little bit of help now too. Kids!
Oh, yeah, did I mention he is staying with 1 of my sisters? I haven't talked to her in like forever. When she needs something, needs to know something, and etc will hear from her. Other than that nothing. Our father is in a home from a stroke from last year. You can offer to help, tell her to call you for anything, and etc. Does not call, wants to do it all herself, I hear people comment how she complains she does this, does that, how is she gonna get all this done, and etc. She likes to complain, but does not fully inform how she cut everyone off from our father, and will not call any of us to help her. During the holidays did not see her once. She would not come to the house cuz the other sister there she does not like, doesn't want to be anywhere near her, and so on. I was always taught family is family...and I still believe that very much to this day. Life...deal with it. But, honestly, this is pretty pathetic!
So, anyway, life here is day by day. Sometimes boring, sometimes eventful, and so on. I have gotten to the point that I have to worry about me, my husband, the kids, grand daughter, and the rest comes as I can fit it in. Things use to be fun, enjoyable, tolerable, and now everyone is just sooo serious about things anymore. No smiles, no jokes, and just so grim...ugh!
Here is to another beautiful day, and hope all of you in blog land are having a good one too! Take care, and remember...smile everyone. Life is really good, and as long as we get up in the morning, put our feet down, can walk/get around some how, eat, drink, talk, and etc....life is actually good for us. There are many who do not have this, and would consider us all to be rich with this. Take care.........
Hello everyone in Blog Land!:) Thought I would come to my personal blog...finally! I spend more time with all my business sites set up on the internet it seems like I don't have enough time to have fun for ME:) That is a goal of mine to get more organized, and try to narrow some of it down. Makes more sense to focus on just a few instead of stretching myself too far, right?
Today is just another day around here. Not feeling like doing too much, and I have plenty to do too. It has really gotten foggy out, and raining a little off and on too. The kind of weather where spring is trying to come on in. That is ok though. I am very excited for spring to be here too. Hubby and I have been looking at different places to move to, and discussing it. Nothing definite yet, and still looking, but only time will tell.
Till then I have a house to clean, box some more things up to get rid of, and when I get back to town looking at some different glues & such to use for my crafting ideas I would like to work on. Rather, all of them yummy vintage items, and finding ways to craft them, refurbish them, and etc. Love it, and am really excited too! Hope I can do well with this, but know that the time spent will also feel great in accomplishing this too:)
Well everyone, take care till the next time I drop in. Hope ya'll are having a great day, and it is as productive as you would like it to be:)
Hello everyone & hope ya'll have had a great Monday! First of March too:) Hope this means that spring is now on the way for us. Snow is starting to melt, getting dirty, and starting to see the bushes, and along with this is coming the mud too...UGH! Soon I will be watching the horses coats changing for spring. They will be short & shiny again compared to the longer fuzzy looking stuff they have right now:)
I was happy to have made a couple of sales this past week from the one venue I am focusing with....bonanzle.com. Still a young sight, but has really been growing, and has now over 200,000 members and is still growing. People are importing their items there, and things just keep growing there.
Did a little research, reading, and viewing today of other blogs, websites, and etc for some things I want to work on when spring gets here. I have started my list of supplies, and added to it as I learn more, and am given ideas of things to use too. I have 1 piece here I could do something with, and was going to start today, but did not get upstairs to sort through any of my lace & crafty things there. Instead took some pictures for listings I need to do for my venues.
Well, better be off to get something done....try to be productive yet. Hope ya'll have a good evening:)