Good Morning to all visitors who stop by:) Well, here it is Wednesday, Hump Day of the week too. Hope it is sunny out again like it has been the past couple of days. It needs to be spring so that I have more energy to want to do more, and get things done too. Past few days I have either done what duties should be done, and then lounged. Or, as many nights are, sat at the computer, and don't get much done there either. I sell items on a couple of different venues, and I have enough items here to be listing. Gotta clean house so that this spring I can get some more new things, and get some supplies for a new venture I would like to add into what I sell. I think I am caught in that inbetween stage right now.
Well, February is 1/2 over with, and maybe the weather will start looking good again. Monday did not start well this week as we thought we had a ghost in the house. Getting water from ceiling in basement, cannot find where it coming from in the entry way as the floor is dry there, so kept buckets under it, and would empty them twice a week. Monday I had a bit more water than usual, by the breaker boxes, wires, etc. Also, was hearing a whistle/hissing sound. Called the plumber cuz finally found the leak. I even shut the water off to house, and it still kept coming out there. I really hate to see what the water bill will be for the next month...ugh!
Well, I was just gonna stop in and put a quick note here. Didn't want it this long. So, better scoot, and get a lil bit of sleep anyway. Take care ya'll. Till the next time.....
I like it that I have my own personal blogspot...away from family, and away from for me. Anyway....stopping by real quick to wish all that stumble upon my blog to wish you a Happy Valentines Day!! Hope you are able to enjoy the day with someone, share with family or friends, or if you are alone to also enjoy the day. For the first time I am on my own today during this time...hubby in Amarillo, TX and the kids all have their own lives to lead. Soooo, gonna kick back in chair, lounge, and enjoy the TV all to me today!:) I thought it sounded pretty good:) Enjoy the day everyone.....Happy Valentines Day!!
Well, now, ain't this fun!! I have been playing around with all of my blogspots, business, and figured maybe I should do this one too. It started when I accidentally took out the background on my business blog...UGH! Oh, I found the one I was using, but all of a sudden felt the need to change things a bit. Is it because of spring, and getting cabin fever? Who knows, but sometimes we all need a change. So, that is what I did. I liked this background, and thought about using is for the business one, but am happy I am using it here instead. Hope everyone is surviving all the weather we are having. Sounds like they are really getting hit out east. Sorry to hear, but happy it is away from here too.
Ok, it is late, and I have got to get to bed! So, I will close here for now. Hope everyone who stops by here is doing well, and wishing the best for you. Take care fellow bloggers....Later....
Hello Everyone, and WOW! Have I been out of it here for a while! I have been keeping pretty busy with all the other sights I deal with for things I sell, and didn't realize I had been overlooking this. Stupid me....UGH! Well, here I am getting caught up, and a lil bit better organized too. At least I like to think I am:)
Such a big issue with Ebay,huh? Them changes that are suppose to be soo good for the end of March don't look so good when you use the charts they are using, doing the calculations, and etc. Well, makes me happy to be where I am at selling, and WOW! The place is getting new sellers everyday, and everyday there is new product being imported to the sight too. It is good tho as things will pick up around there even more than before too. Moving up in the world..Hmm:)
I LUV vintage, collectibles, old, antiques. I have sooo enjoyed selling all those kind of things too. But, I have had a yearning for some time now about doing something else, or adding something else in with some of these items. So, I am waiting for spring...easier to do things then, and the mood is better too:) I will then have my list for supplies I want & need, look for more product for what I want to do, and hopefully be taking on another venture. Over time I have had family & friends tell me I should always do I am finally gonna take the plunge, and try to get into it.
Enough of that, I will have to keep everyone updated, and make notes as I move along with this. Well, didn't want this to be too long. So, will end it for now. Sorry about making some of you wait. Hope everyone is doing well, and ya'll take care & Have a Beautiful Day! Till the next time......