I hope everyone survived Christmas! We were snowed in that day, and here is how it looked. Snow, blowing, foggy, and can honestly say...we had a white christmas:) I am already making plans for next year as I do not want to be here for then...preferably some where else warm visiting relatives:) Happy Hump day to everyone today....tomorrow will be the last for this year. Have a great day wherever you are at!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Surviving Christmas
I hope everyone survived Christmas! We were snowed in that day, and here is how it looked. Snow, blowing, foggy, and can honestly say...we had a white christmas:) I am already making plans for next year as I do not want to be here for then...preferably some where else warm visiting relatives:) Happy Hump day to everyone today....tomorrow will be the last for this year. Have a great day wherever you are at!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve, Cookies and Milk, Santa Claus Visits....

Happy Christmas Eve Everyone! Got all the gifts wrapped? Got all the cooking done? Pulled everything from it's lil hiding places, and are they all brought out now? Hey, don't forget to put out some cookies & milk for Santa too. Awe...come on...it will be fun! We are snowed in at home here...snowing & blowing winds. Tomorrow might get worse with the winds. So, another day in here where it is warm, we have food, and only thing we have to go outside for will be to feed the horses. What might not happen tomorrow can always happen the next day too, right? After all, isn't Christmas all year long? Well, wishing ya'll a very Merry Christmas Eve! Wishing you all well! :) Happy Holidays!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

WOW! Been away from here just a lil bit, huh? Sorry :( Been home sick with sneezing, sinuses, coughing, etc. Mostly tired too. Now...trying to do the catch up with all of my blogs, my selling venues I sell at, both facebook accounts, and etc. My fingers are really moving along here. Well, we are getting hit with some snow, winds, etc. Travel is not the best right now, but hopefully will improve next couple of days. Looks like we will be having a white Christmas after all:) Christmas is such a different time for our family this year, and not really happy with it. But, as I told my father...I give up. I just cannot do it this year, and deal with all of it either. One won't come cuz of that one, one don't want to see that one, don't hear anything from another, etc etc. Such is life! Just hard to try and get it together this year. Was hoping on Christmas day to go see a movie from some of the previews I have been watching. Will see what the weather does, and hopefully will still be able to travel out of town, and go. Would be a change of pace around here, and maybe that is what we all need. Every year it has felt like a routine, mechanical like, and this is what we are suppose to do. Take a break from everyone this year, go our own ways, and see what the next year brings. Some of it I am skeptical about, but will see what the future holds. Ok, enough of that...how boring, right? Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Hope all the gifts are bought that you could get, the wrapping is being done, and the cooking of the goodies is all done too. Ya'll have a Merry Christmas with a Happy New Year! Have a Safe & Happy Holidays! Till the next time.....Enjoy!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Snow Day Tuesday.......
Grand Baby loves turning Santa on & dancing with him:)
A piece of artwork that my son drew. From this last drawing he is now getting requests from different people that are willing to pay him a lil money for it too. Not a bad side job to have while trying to figure out life, work, career, etc.
Today it is snowing, visibility getting worse, and schools either canceled or dismissed early. Nothing good seems to be on tv, and I have been surfing the internet myself to pass some time. There are many many beautiful blogspots out there, and I enjoy reading, sharing, and viewing all of them too. I found many that showed some beautiful vintage things which is my favorite pass time, and I also found some that deal with crafts & scrapbooking which I also like to do to. I should be scrapbooking some pages today, but my hands do not feel like co-operating with me in that area, so here I am typing while I can. Enjoy the day everyone, and if it is nice in your neck of the woods....do not rub it in! LOL!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I Am Back!!

Hello everyone! I am back! Sorry, but the week of Thanksgiving our computer went down, and I now am back up & running again. I think I was getting withdrawals from no computer...how sad, but funny too. Oh well, it's over with now. Am happy to be typing away here again, and getting caught up with everyone and everything too. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. Did the tummies hurt the next day? HAHA! Well, now, looking at calendar Christmas is not far away now. I don't know about any of you, but it just does not feel like Christmas this year. Family isn't what is use to be....long story, and will not bore you with all of it, but I am sure many of you would agree it isn't right if you were to hear it all. Oh well, another stepping stone in life that we all cross, right? One day at a time. As long as our lil immediate family keeps doing what they grew up with, and were taught about family, I will be happy to see things grow from there if that is the way it is suppose to be. We have been lucky not getting much snow here, but sounds like in a couple of days we might get hit...will see...UGH! I don't really like the snow anymore:( Anyway, have a great evening everyone! Hope all is well with you in your neck of the woods!:-)
Friday, November 20, 2009
~ * ~ * Happy Weekend to All * ~ * ~

Here is to wishing ya'll a great weekend! Today was not too bad. It was eventful for me as I had 2 items sell on a couple of the venues I use, and they both were wrapped, invoices printed, and shipped. A lil upset cuz it has been 2-3 times this week now was suppose to be picked up to either run an errand, or like tonight was suppose to go with to ride along for a scrapbook class that was scheduled for about an hour away from here. I never got a call, was never notified it wouldn't happen, last conversation was last night and how was gonna close the store around 3:30 or so to come pick me up so we could get headed that way as we both were not definite of the location. Family, happens right? Well, my biggest concern is for the 3 customers who were planning on this happening this evening. Were they contacted? Maybe the class is still gonna happen, and I wasn't notified of not being picked up? Who knows. Have to know who I am referring to, and if I told all....would be a long long book with no ending yet:) Just so sad that there is not enough respect to communicate better than this. But, anyway, I will be on the computer tonight, maybe doing some more listing of some items, and just kind of take it minute by minute, right? Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My First Post on My Personal Blog

Hello everyone & Welcome to the first posting of my own personal blog! I am a simple person who enjoys time with family & friends, but also enjoy time by myself too. When I am by myself is when I either become creative with my hands and work on crafts, repurposing items, or scrapbooking which I have plenty of that to do to catch up! I also enjoy taking pictures of pretty things too. Sometimes a sunset, pretty leaves on the trees, the horses out in the pastures, rainbows, and etc. My favorite passion is vintage, antiques, collectibles. I frequent thrift stores, second hand stores, yard sales, estate sales/auctions, and any little nook or store that I feel I might find a treasure in that I just have to have OR maybe something I can resell too. Oh, yes, I do on-line sales with different venues...at least try to. I enjoy blogging, and I also twitter & facebook too. Most of that stuff is for my selling venues, but do have a few personal accounts I deal with too. I do have 2 children. Son who graduates this year, and our daughter who is married, and already made me a grandmother too:) I have been happily married for 20 yrs now...seems like an eternity. Then again, some days it seems almost like yesterday too. Each day is a new start, and a new beginning into the day. Never know what it holds. But, am thankful that I get up each day, put my feet on the floor, can get up to walk & see the outside. Well, enough said for now. I hope to be showing you more pictures of things around here for the holidays, in my passings, and things I find to share with all of you too. Till the next time I log on....Happy Wednesday & Have a Great Evening Everyone!:-)
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